Learn How To Increase Your Semen Volume With Food

Many men believe that their masculinity is connected to their performance in the bedroom. We have all heard the statement that size matters. Well, that’s not entirely true. You might be happy with your size but if you’re shooting blanks then the effort seems futile. This is especially true if you are trying to start a family. Most adult films focus on the money shots and the sheer power behind them. Adult film star Peter North has made quite a name for himself by averaging over 4 feet!

You may laugh and think that this is outrageous, and it may be, but there is something to be learnt from it. If you take your sexual performance seriously then you will want to know what simple foods can have a profound impact on the motility and force behind your ejaculation.

We have all heard that oysters are a great aphrodisiac but many do not understand why. Foods that are rich in zinc help increase sperm fertility and production. Other foods that are high in zinc include lamb, turkey, red meat (great news for meat lovers), barley, wheat, beans, nuts and pumpkin seeds. Continue reading “Learn How To Increase Your Semen Volume With Food”

Three Key Valuable Honey Properties

Be pleasantly surprised by these amazing honey properties — antimicrobial, antioxidant, and hygroscopic which all make honey a popular food as well as a medicine.

1. Honey is Hygroscopic

Honey has a hygroscopic nature, which means when exposed to air, it naturally absorbs moisture in from the air. In treating open wounds, honey is useful as it could help prevent scarring by keeping the skin moist, encourage the growth of new tissues, and allow easy removal of any dressing by preventing dressing from becoming stuck to the skin. Honey’s hygroscopic properties also make it an ideal ingredient in a lot of cosmetics as it helps keep skin hydrated and fresh and prevents drying. Thus, some people call honey a natural “humectant” as it attracts and retains moisture. When used in skin and hair treatments, honey trap and seal in the moisture leaving skin soft and supple, and hair glossy and healthy.

Continue reading “Three Key Valuable Honey Properties”

8 Tips on How Much to Feed a Hermit Crab

If they’re living in the wild, hermit crabs eat a wide variety of food from decaying wood, fallen fruits, leaves and grasses and items that are washed ashore. These pets are omnivorous, meaning they eat both meat and vegetables. They might be very fussy with picking the shells they will use as their homes but they are not at all picky with the food they eat. They locate food in two ways: by smelling the food and by seeing other crabs eating the food. Continue reading “8 Tips on How Much to Feed a Hermit Crab”

Uterine Fibroid Diet – 10 Key Elements

If you have uterine fibroids which are causing you problems, you will no doubt be exploring all your options and eating a fibroid diet is something you may have considered. Like many women, you have probably discovered the stark fact that even if you have a surgical procedure to remove your fibroids, they are likely to regrow as the root causes are still there. Some women consider hormonal treatment, but this is really only suitable for short term use as it effectively will put you through a temporary menopause and this can cause problems in itself such as osteoporosis, skin drying and thinning, wrinkles, vaginal dryness and a dwindling sex drive.

Eating a fibroid diet will not in itself cure your fibroids. However, it is an integral component of an overall system for shrinking your fibroids and is undoubtedly a good plan for your overall well-being. To be successful, you must apply a system which eliminates each and every possible cause of fibroids, effectively making your body a “fibroid-free” environment-in other words the conditions within your body will not support fibroids. Continue reading “Uterine Fibroid Diet – 10 Key Elements”

What’s The Deal With Breakfast?

You often hear people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but what are the reasons behind that statement? Many people skip breakfast or substitute coffee simply because they don’t have time to eat properly due to the morning get-to-work rush. So it is important to get a real understanding how skipping breakfast can affect your health but also your weight.

What do you mean? How could skipping breakfast affect my weight? I’m eating less food so I suppose it will help me to lose weight, right? Not exactly!

Skipping an important meal like breakfast, let alone any meal, will actually slow the metabolism. When the body does not receive sufficient food it goes into starvation mode, slowing down the metabolism and thereby lowering energy levels. The best way to maintain a healthy weight is to keep the food supply going at a steady rate. Don’t eat a massive breakfast but have a meal that will give you enough energy to get through a large part of the morning. You may need to have a snack a bit later in the morning to keep your metabolism operating at a steady level until lunchtime. This is the intelligent way to monitor your food intake. Continue reading “What’s The Deal With Breakfast?”

Ways to Measure Hotel Kitchen Performance

What do hotel visitors value most of all? Of course they want to live in good looking rooms, be able to use phone and the Internet, receive additional services as well as be able to enjoy exquisite cuisine. Yes, many people choose hotels just by the cuisine and reputation of hotel restaurants. This especially concerns five star hotels that attract wealthy people who love spending money eating excellent food. The world famous chefs often work in hotel restaurants. They create excellent reputation and in a certain way become the most effective advertising and promotion tool for hotel owners. If hotel managers want to improve performance and achieve positive financial results they have to pay a proper attention to hotel restaurants or kitchen. This may be as separate evaluation or a part of the huge process to measure efficiency of hotel administration. Continue reading “Ways to Measure Hotel Kitchen Performance”

Food Security In Nigeria

What is food security? Well, in attempting to answer this question, there are two key words that stand out here – food and security.

Food, according to the dictionary is any substance that people or animals eat or drink to stay alive.

Rice, beans, millet, fish, meat, water, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, alcohol, wine and soft drinks are some of the foods and drinks we know.

Security, on the other hand is about protection and freedom from threats, violence, danger, worries, bloodbath or even death. So, in my own words, food security is basically about having food to eat with your family.

Let us zero in on Nigeria and look at some statistics on agricultural transformation. Nigeria, as you know has an estimated population of about 150 million people from 774 local government areas and 36 states and Abuja. Good market, if you ask me. Continue reading “Food Security In Nigeria”

Three Keys to Help Get You Motivated in Getting Healthy and Fit

For years now the fitness industry, government and others have told the public that they need to start working out and eating healthy. They told of the consequences of what would happen if they didn’t. What is the result of all of this? We got fatter. We have more fitness facilities, weight loss programs, weight loss foods, diets, fitness equipment, and more than ever before. We got fatter.

The Baby Boomer generation was supposed to be the one that was going to get and stay fit and healthy. They were going to stay young. They got fatter. As a fellow Boomer, it’s crazy that my generation (the one that was going to make a difference in society and focus on youthfulness) is now unhealthy, fat and old.

The younger generation is even worse, because they started early on in being unhealthy. So many young people are simply sitting at home and either watching TV, playing computer games or engaged in their smart devices. They are not motivated as I and many others were during our youth. We wanted to play outdoors and had to be dragged back in by our mothers. Continue reading “Three Keys to Help Get You Motivated in Getting Healthy and Fit”

Cooking For Children Who Are Reluctant Eaters

Often adults enthusiastically introduce a new food, just to have a child turn up their nose at it. Perhaps the adult will offer it a second time. But if a child refuses to eat an unfamiliar food the third time, most adults will quit and assume they just don’t like it and won’t eat it. The truth is, that after three tries, the process of building a preference or like for a new food is just beginning! Many children (from infants to teenagers) are reluctant to try new foods. It’s a phenomenon called neophobia and literally means a fear of new foods. I know firsthand about this as I struggled miserably with it as a child and some of it has carried over to my adult life. New foods, even as an adult, bring on a feeling of anxiety as well as embarrassment if I am in a public place or at someone’s home. Studies tell us that food preferences can be developed and the earlier children experience this the better. Under the right circumstances, negative initial responses to new foods can be shifted to positive ones. The key is to give children repeated opportunities to touch, smell and sample the new food. Food preferences develop slowly with repeated exposures, like wading slowly into the water until you feel comfortable with it.

Continue reading “Cooking For Children Who Are Reluctant Eaters”

How to Prevent Disease With Healing Gourmet

The Healing Gourmet seven book series is a product that is based on the theory that you are what you eat and modern day food and eating habits are making many of us seriously ill or at least contributing to it. Read on for a review of this product.

There are five damaging aspects of modern day diets outlined in the series as follows:

1. Inflammation: known as the quiet killer and the cornerstone of degenerative disease and physical aging.

2. Glycation: over consumption of carbohydrates or foods prepared in a certain way.

3. Oxidation: it happens naturally but if left unchecked can cause rapid physical aging and chronic disease.

4. Depletion: a deficiency of key nutrients that can damage human DNA in a similar way to exposure to radiation. Continue reading “How to Prevent Disease With Healing Gourmet”