Why Does Our Body Need Healthy Food?

In the present fast-paced lifestyle, we hardly have any time to devote to prepare extensive healthy meals to nourish ourselves and our families and therefore, we end up consuming highly processed food, which are laden with oil and sugar, and containing such chemical additives that are strictly not intended for human consumption.

Eating healthy food will charge you with loads of energy and also make you feel great from within. Healthy foods boost our body’s immune system and help us in developing resistance to infections by combating disease producing pathogenic organisms that happen to enter our body. Healthy food aids in living longer and keeps your brain working more efficiently as a result of which you become more attentive and mentally sharp and alert. A healthy diet can address or prevent certain diet and nutrition related diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol and heart ailments, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity. Continue reading “Why Does Our Body Need Healthy Food?”

8 Tips For Eating Healthy While Traveling

If you travel for work or pleasure, you know that healthy food can sometimes be hard to come by. Or I should at least say there are so many temptations out there that the healthy options seem few and far between. Being prepared is 75% of the battle when it comes to eating healthy while traveling. It definitely requires a little planning and a special nutritional strategy. Luckily, you can adhere to your healthy eating plan with a little extra work. These 8 tips for healthy eating while traveling provide some solid ideas to staying on track while on the go.

1. Location – When you’re choosing where to stay, it’s all about location. Let’s say you’re traveling for work and you’ll be in the same location for at least a few days. Finding a spot that’s close to healthy resources is key. Is there a grocery store nearby that you can run to for healthy snacks and/or meals? Are there healthy cafes or restaurants within walking distance that you can stop in for a bite to eat? It’s easy to make the excuse that you can’t eat healthy while on the road if there aren’t good options around you. Don’t make that your excuse. Choose as wisely as you can to set yourself up for success. Continue reading “8 Tips For Eating Healthy While Traveling”

Healthy Food Choices – How to Avoid Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity

There is now strong evidence that carbohydrates are the baddies in the war against obesity, heart disease and diabetes. So where does this leave the well established theory about saturated fat and how it not only increases our weight but is also responsible for heart disease?

In a nutshell research is now telling us to do the opposite to what we have been told to do in the past in order to stay healthy. Back in the 70’s when the treatment of cholesterol became popular; doctors took a very simplistic view believing that dietary saturated fat led to body fat. You only have to look around you to see that the eating recommendations that occurred as a result of this theory have had devastating effects upon our health and the prevalence of diseases such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Saturated fat was once blamed for heart, cholesterol and obesity problems and we were encouraged to eat less meat and more carbohydrates (e.g. bread, cereals). But now multiple studies are revealing that this was all wrong! One such 2010 study reviewed the evidence around this subject (Astrup, A. et al, Am J Clin Nutr:2011 Jan 26) and found that “replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates does not reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), and may even increase the risk”. (Dairy Nutrition News April 2011) Continue reading “Healthy Food Choices – How to Avoid Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity”

Healthy Recipes – Are You Ready For Healthy Recipes and Nutrition?

Here you can find another article connected with cooking and eating. As you know I like writing about it. I’m also interested in information about topics and aspects connected with food and eating. I would like to write about nutrition process. Please read this article to the end, if you are interested in this topic. I hope that you will find some interesting information in it.

The nutrition is a process of giving food to every part (cellula) of our body. Food can help our body to be well built. Thank to food we have got a lot of energy. Food is also some kind of reserve for our organism. That means nutrition isn’t only giving food to our breadbasket. After obtaining food from breadbasket, the ingredients are distributed through organism thank to blood. Nutrition is a very important for each organism. It also helps people to be healthy. There are many illnesses connected with nutrition. If you are eating too less you can be undernutrited or have too low weight. If you are eating too much, you can become overweight or obesity.

Many organisms need food ingredients. People are eating food in form of meals. This part of the article will give you some information about culinary (not biological) aspect of nutrition. I would like to write about some advantages of eating healthy food and using healthy recipes. As I written in my previous articles, healthy food can help us to fight with obesity. We can keep fit and feel better thank to healthy recipes for food. They have got a lot of vitamins and other food nutritious ingredients that are important for us. They are also not fat, so we don’t have to worry about heart diseases. Continue reading “Healthy Recipes – Are You Ready For Healthy Recipes and Nutrition?”

Is Organic Food Just One of Many Healthy Food Trends?

Organic foods are one of a number of healthy food trends that is developing into a longer term commitment to healthier farming practices, and healthier food. It is not only that organic food is healthier to eat; it is also healthier for the environment. Other food trends include SOLE (sustainable, organic, local, environmental) and 100 mile (buying from local growers) foods.

Do you know where your food comes from? Are the asparagus you buy in November coming from a local farmer, or are they being flown in from around the world? What does it cost in energy and environmental impact to get the food from the farm to your table? Do you know the environmental impact of eating red meat? It takes 16 pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef.

Large scale food production – often accomplished through genetically engineered foods – is supported by manufacturers because they can earn more money from more production; and is supported by governments who want to ensure that their citizens have access to food (the premise is that unhealthy food is better than no food). There are more than 6 billion humans in the world, many of whom do not have enough food to eat. But what is the cost to the planet of producing on a mass scale? Continue reading “Is Organic Food Just One of Many Healthy Food Trends?”

Healthy Food for Teenagers

Healthy food is very important for the people belong to all age groups, especially kids and teens. Teenagers can neither called adults nor children. Therefore, it is very important to take the healthy food during your teenage so that later one can take the responsibility of the life. The parents of these teenagers have to be very careful while selecting the proper diet and food because the nutrition energy requirements of these teenagers are generally different and higher than the others age group people.

Balance diet

The diet of a teenager should be balanced and must contain the proper combination of minerals, vitamin E, B, C, carbohydrate, protein, fiber, fat and a lot of fluid containing food and other liquids.

Protein Continue reading “Healthy Food for Teenagers”

Healthy Food to Eat – 3 Critical Factors

Choosing the right healthy food to eat should encompass many factors. Three important healthy food to eat factors are the following:

1. Does it promote health gain and not weight gain. This may seem obvious, but it can be tricky. People sometimes make pizza and claim it’s a healthy food to eat, by simply tossing on some vegetables. But the pizza most likely will have a large amount of calories, will contain white flour, and cheese. Even though your getting nutrition from the vegetables, the overall effect leans towards a negative due to the other fat gaining ingredients.

2. Is it organic? Fruits and vegetables are always best to obtain by organic means, but this is mainly focused on meat products. Claiming a lean chicken breast is a healthy food to eat due to its high protein content and minimal fat content is fine but what is the actual quality of the meat? With the horrendous conditions of factory farming and the potential for disease, one should really qualify most meat products as a healthy food to eat only if it falls under the umbrella of organic. Continue reading “Healthy Food to Eat – 3 Critical Factors”

Healthy Food Helps You Burn Fat

Undoubtedly, burning fat is about consuming healthy food. When we eat right, eat healthy food, we do not have to bother about burning fat anymore. Working out at the gym for hours burning calories will not reduce your weight and burn enough of your fat when you do not consider what you consume. It means that burning fat by only doing exercise is not enough. Yes, you can burn fat and lose some of your weight by doing exercise but if you do not maintain what goes in from your mouth, soon you will get back the fat you burn. The root problem is controlling what goes into your body. And consuming healthy food is the solution.

What does it mean by consuming healthy food? The term healthy is very much dependent on the amount and frequency in consuming the food. There is no single food that contains all the nutrition our body needs. Thus, consuming healthy food actually talks about series of eating healthy foods over time, in other words, having healthy eating lifestyle. You do not get healthier right after you eat a lettuce; neither do you get significantly higher cholesterol by eating a piece of fried chicken. It is the series of eating those foods that affects your health. It is the constant action of eating the food you choose that affects your body. Thus, healthy eating lifestyle is what is important.

Continue reading “Healthy Food Helps You Burn Fat”

Teens and Healthy Food

Adolescence is a time of rapid growth. In fact, teenagers gain almost 50 percent of their adult weight during the teenage years. Yet they are less likely to eat a dietary food. Adolescence know it’s important to eat right, but many teenager don’t understand a basic nutrition. They skip breakfast and always choose to many high-fat food when snacking at fast food restaurants. Maybe the worst offenders are teenage girls who diet all the time and avoiding healthy food they think are “too fattening.”

Good eating habits begin in early childhood, and that’s when parents should start setting a good example. During the teenage years, however, parents have to be more subtle about guiding food choices. They can’t control what teens eat or don’t eat during the day, but they can offer healthy choices at home. Teens are impulsive eaters, usually munching on what’s right at hand. So stock the refrigerator with healthy snacks. Serve a nutritious dinner and try to make mealtime enjoyable. Also, be flexible about the time you eat dinner, taking into account a teenager’s often hectic schedule.

Continue reading “Teens and Healthy Food”

Healthy Eating Kids – Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthy Food

It’s important to start healthy eating early. If you leave the mission of getting your kids to eat healthy food too late, it will be more difficult to change the habits they’ve learned. On the other hand, if you’ve always insisted that you have healthy eating kids in your household, then you’ll find the task of keeping your children on the straight and narrow path of eating healthily a much easier task.

Start with making sure that you have healthy food in your fridge and larder. You can’t teach your kids to eat a healthy diet if they’re surrounded by candy, chocolate and fizzy drinks. Remember that children are a perceptive bunch and they will quickly pick up on any discrepancy between what you say and what you do.

Get your children to help you choose the fruit and vegetables at the supermarket or grocery store. The sense of involvement is important. After all, if your kids have helped to choose the food they’re eating, they will feel more included and are more likely to want to eat it. Also if there’s something they simply won’t eat, no matter what, then getting them involved in the purchase decision will at least save you having to waste food at a later stage. Continue reading “Healthy Eating Kids – Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthy Food”