It’s time we began reducing our carbon print and take responsibility towards saving our Mother Earth. Resorting to eco-friendly packaging ideas, we can take our first step towards conserving our environment.
In the not-so-distant past, when plastics weren’t around and technology wasn’t that advanced, simple people used simple means for packaging. These included using wicker baskets, cloth bags, gunny sacks, and not to forget brown paper bags.
Cut to the present when large-scale production came about, paper was replaced with polythene bags, wicker baskets with thermocol caskets, gunny bags and cloth bags have been replaced by plastics and more plastics. Let’s just conclude it saying, with the amount of waste being generated on a daily basis, ain’t it true that the Earth is turning into a huge waste basket? The astonishing fact is, that a major chunk of this waste consists of packaging waste made up of non-biodegradable material. Styrofoam, plastics, metals scraps and foils which are used in bulk to pack essential goods lie around in the landfills for hundreds of years before breaking down. This in turn takes a toll on the environment at large, and it is without doubt the slow death of Mother Earth. Continue reading “Environmentally Friendly Packaging Ideas”